
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Kenzie Turns 4

Well John and I have survived another year! We've made it 4 years and are anxious, excited, and very much looking forward to many more years with our little Red.

Kenzie is at such an amazing age. She's so smart, genuine, caring, silly, and of course stubborn. The little things she says, and her imagination, is incredible to see everyday. I can't even begin to explain the joy I have watching her grow. I am very proud to call her my daughter.

Her birthday was wonderful, I can't thank our loved ones enough for helping us celebrate such an awesome little girl. She loves everyone so much. We are blessed to have so many people in our lives who care about her (and us).

Here are some pictures from her birthday weekend!

Morning of her birthday, she's 4!

Giving Aunt Nelle some lovin!


She loves a good tea party!

Birthday ice cream and cookies!

Kisses for the birthday girl!

Crochet food for her tea parties!

New tea party set

Party at the Park

Bubbles, hula hoops, volleyball, OH MY!

Eating oreos :)

My sweet princess


This cutie showing off some of her party favors!

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