
Friday, August 1, 2014

Stopping in for a quick hello.

We've been really busy, and I've also been a bit tired and lazy. Updating the blog wasn't on my top priority list, and for that I do apologize. I know some of you enjoy reading about what our little family is up to, but I promise you really haven't missed much.

It's been a wee bit crazy in the house of Mineer, new jobs and schedules are happening, and I'm not taking it all very well. My anxiety and stress have been so far through the roof, it took a stroll around the moon before coming back down. John works his booty off, and we appreciate him so much for it, so I'm happy he's finally going to be working for a company who will also appreciate his greatness. It's about time, right? As for what he'll be doing, I'm still not sure. But, he's on to bigger and better things. Better schedule (well not really, but he'll be guaranteed at least 40 hours a week), better benefits for him and his girls, better pay, vacation time, and better opportunities for our future. I'm learning to be more optimistic about it all, even though our time with him will be limited.

Kenzie is so smart, I can brag and brag and brag about it, but I won't. Let's just say she's perfect, funny, beautiful, and amazes us every day. I feel so damn lucky to have her in my life.

Nothing new or exciting to report on me.

We send our love :)

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