
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year

2014 was a bit bumpy, we made it through, but it just wasn't easy. It was really difficult to try and be everywhere, for everyone. We had many great times as a family, and we'll always have those memories. Disneyland in October will be a vacation we'll always remember, Kenzie talks about it all the time!

Instead of boring you with words, let's excite you with pictures.

Happy New Year!

We didn't get to have family pictures done this fall, because John's new work schedule was just too crazy, but it's about Kenzie anyway right? So here are some shots we captured back in September!

We took her to see Santa, where she asked for a bow and arrow! She made the nice list, too!

Santa came and brought her just about everything she asked for, and she even slept in really late to make sure he had enough time to bring it all in. Haha!

The New Year was spent at home, just the three of us, and we loved it! We got dressed up and watched movies, shot off noise makers, and had a lot of fun. Happy New Year!

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