
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Have You Met.... The Mineers?

I guess blogging is pretty popular, and I guess there are friends and family of ours who actually enjoy visiting with us here. Who knew! I was going about this all wrong, I didn't know what I wanted to accomplish through blogger and I couldn't focus on anything! I was absent and unfocused. I thought I would clean my slate and start new, with a crash course on the Mineer members. Do you think you can handle this?! :)

John is amazing. He is a wonderful husband and father, and a great brother, son and friend. He is full of passion and love. John works hard to make people happy and proud, and Kenzie and I are his biggest fans. He works for Casino Arizona as a tech/maintenance in the third position, just below the supervisor! He loves his job and he's made great friends working there. His schedule is wonky but we've adjusted and enjoy every minute we get to spend with him.
John's latest passion in life is motorcycles, and he will soon be an owner of one. No, I'm not ok with it but my fear of bikes can't overpower his love and happiness for them. He'll be careful ;)
He still skateboards from time to time, and we hope to get Kenzie into it. It's great exercise!! He has a plethora of tools, so he's a handyman even when nothing needs fixing. Golfing seems to be another little hobby he enjoys, (boorring!!). He's your typical guy!! Video games, dirt bikes, fixing cars, grilling, and sleeping...

I'm just your average girl. I work part-time but am a full time mom and wife. I absolutely adore my Kenzie and John, I feel like my life is perfect and complete! I love baking, cookies especially! I've been testing out new recipes and enjoy it so much! Kenzie's my little helper :) I work for Maggiore Consulting and Marketing as Office Manager and Social Media Marketing Executive. I LOVE my job and I LOVE the girls I work with (one is my sister!).

Kenzie is the greatest little girl, ever! She is so smart and perfect. Yes, I said perfect ;) She amazes us each and every day, learning new things and getting into new things. She's learning songs and tries so hard to sing along with us. She plays dress up and gets dirty outside. She's a big help with baking and cleaning. Kenzie also has a big obsession with shoes, such a smart girl! She'll prance around all day in my high heals, when she falls she gets back up and continues. Nothing stops her!! She is full of energy and has a huge love for life.
Kenzie isn't your shy girl either, it takes just a minute or two for her to become your best friend. She loves spending time with Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Grandpa and Grandma. I think she prefers to be with them sometimes, she gets away with everything when she isn't at home!
She's finally starting to eat like a normal child, in fact she is eating so much it's getting hard to keep up with groceries sometimes! Her 18 month (yes, 18 months) appointment was on the 4th of April and she weighed in at 25 lbs and stands 35 inches tall! She is OFF THE CHARTS tall, she'll be our little runway model. The doctor adores her and says she is developing beautifully, and we should keep up the good work!

That's about it for now, I hope I didn't leave anything out. Then again, things change around here week by week! Stay tuned for more, the Mineer's have a lot of plans for our future and we can't wait to slowly start leaking that information!!

Lots of love,
John, Hillary, and Kenzie


Cat said...

Love the rundown! SO is this where your new updates will be?

Unknown said...

Yes. I have been told by a few people that they love coming on here to check up on us, so I guess I have to blog at home now!