
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

At the End of the Day

Life seems to be moving a million miles a minute right now! For example, it's already half way through July! When the heck did that happen? Do you even realize, that in just 3 months our precious and perfect baby girl is going to be 2!? We've already been invited to preview her toddler stage, but in just 3 months we're going to the live showing! Get comfy and bust out the snacks... it's going to be a long movie ;)

John has been so busy with work, and (even if he won't admit it) he really enjoys it. He is also a huge help and major blessing around the house. John is a rock star, through and through. He cleans, does laundry, helps with the cooking, reads Kenzie stories, wrestles with her, watches her TV shows with her, watches MY tv shows with ME :) He's a great listener and an amazing family man. His two girls love him very much. Not to mention he puts up with a lot, I wish I knew where he got his patience. He survives every maniac minute around here!

I've been busy too, in and out of the home! When I'm not taking on June Cleaver for the title of "Ultimate Housewife", I'm at work and I LOVE my job! I've made amazing friendships and I continue to succeed in my new career choice. I've been trying to find a balance between home and work - still working on it - but so far I've kept my cool (I think?). I find any and all excuses to bake cookies and cakes, I teach Kenzie new things like manners (yes, she says "please" and "thank-you"), I make sure our home is comfy cozy, and I always provide jokes for a good laugh. Laughing keeps you young - so I've heard.

Oh, and I'm making more time to blog!

It really doesn't matter how busy things seem to get and how hectic life is, because at the end of the day we have our husbands and wives, our children, our parents and siblings, we have our happiness... enjoy every second!

Sending our love, xoxx

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