
Thursday, September 1, 2011

When Did This Happen?

Not sure if you're paying attention to the cute little ticker I have up top, but Kenzie turns two in a month. Can you believe it?

This girl just melts my heart, as I'm sure John's as well. She is big on saying "I love you", giving kisses, and snuggles. Well, with me anyway ;)

She tells me animals and what they "say". She helps me sing the ABC's, and count to 10. She *sometimes* helps me clean up at night and boy does this girl love to do hair! When did all this toddler stuff happen? It's all new and in the early stages but I'm getting excited to see what happens with time! She's too smart, and just too sweet (and spunky, but we already knew that).

Of course I'll miss my lil' munchkin but I can't prevent growth so I won't complain about her growing up, I'll embrace it!

Sending our love!

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